Rabu, 23 April 2014

Subjek Verb Agremeent

Agreement   : Kesesuaian antara subjek dan predikat menurut kaidah bahasa inggris yang benar. Untuk persesuaian ini berkaitan dengan tenses.
Kaidah          : Kata kerja (predikat) harus sesuai dalam number dan person dengan subjeknya.
Number        : Bentuk dari sebuah kata kerja (verb) yang menunjukkan apakah noun (kata benda) tergolong singular (tunggal) atau plural (jamak) dalam artinya.
Singular       : Kebanyakan verb yang akhirannya s, am, is, was, dan has (verb dengan tambahan s/es atau has, maupun to be:is, am, was menunjukkan subjek tunggal).
Plural         : Kebanyakan verbs yang tidak berakhiran dengan s, are, were, have (verb yang berakhiran tanpa s, are, were dan have menunjukkan bahwa noun/subjeknya plural).
Person           : (Pesona) adalah bentuk dari sebuah kata kerja yang menunjukkan apakah subjek termasuk si pembicara (first person), lawan bicara (second person) atau orang yang dibicarakan (third person).

Beberapa Kaidah Agreements (Persesuaian)
A.   Agreements antara Subjek dan Verb
1.    Apabila subjek plural, maka verbnya harus juga plural
Ø  They are very happy
Ø  We have studied hard
2.      Apabila subjek singular, maka verbnya harus juga singular
Ø  A box has been stolen
Ø  He is happy
3.      Apabila dua subjek atau lebih dihubungkan dengan and, maka verbnya harus plura
Ø  Ita and Sherly usually get up early
Ø  Izza and Anis were absent yesterday
4.      Apabila dua nomina (subjek) dihubungkan dengan and menunjukkan singular person atau bentuk sebuah unit (kesatuan), maka subjek tersebut berarti singular, oleh karena itu vebnya harus juga singular
Ø  Truth and honesty is he best principle
Ø  The poet and statesmen is airways responsible with the social reality

            Apabila sebelum “Statesmen” ada the, maka berarti plural, oleh karena itu verbnya harus plural. Contoh,
Ø  The poet and statesmen always hope to change the bad life to the best one

5.      Apabila subjek berupa collective noun dalam bentuk singular, tetapi yang dimaksudkan mencakup seluruh anggota dari kolektivitas, maka verbnya harus plural. Namun jika yang dimaksud tidak mencakup seluruh anggota dan sebagai satu kesatuan yang kelompok, maka verbnya harus juga singular.

Congress                     family              group               class
Organization               team                army                committee
Government                jury                  club                 public

Ø  The committee were unable to agree
       (= seluruh anggota komite)
Ø  The boy scouts is encamped in Bandung
       (boy scouts sebagai kesatuan)
6.      Apabila dua singular atau lebih digabungkan dengan :

            Either..........                 or……..
            Neither……..              nor……..
            Not only……..                        but also……..

Vernya menyesesuaikan dengan subjek / nomina yang muncul paling dekat dengan verb utama

Either + plural noun + or + singular noun + singular verb
Not only + singular noun + but also +plural noun + plural verb

Ø  Neither Ita nor her friends are going to the beach
       Neither Ali nor Adi is going to class today

Ø  Either Dino or his friend is painting now
       Either Umar or his friends are busy today
Ø  Not only my son but also the children are joining English course
       Not only my friend but also my niece is reading in the library
7.      Apabila kata-kata (Phrase atau clause) muncul di antara subjek dan predikat (verb) dalam sebuah kalimat, maka phrase atau clause tersebut tidak mempengaruhi verb dalam kalimat itu, atau untuk menentukan verb-nya agar sesuai dengan subjek anggap saja phrase atau clause tersebut tidak ada

Of                    together with               from                accompanied by
With                in addition to              between           along with
Among            as well as                     including

Ø  Sherly, as well as her two cousin, calls me everyday as well as her two cousin
       (dianggap tidak ada) jadi Sherly … Calls me everyday
Ø  My two aunts, along with their cat, visit me on Sunday
       My two aunts … visit me on Sunday

Ø  Mr. Ali, accompanied by his wife and children is arriving tonight
       Mr. Ali … is arriving tonight
8.      Apabila indefinite pronouns berikut ini menjadi subjek, maka verbnya selalu singular

Each                            somebody                    anything
Everybody                  someone                      everything
Everyone                     no one                         another
Anybody                     much                           neither

Ø  Either is likely to be friend
Ø  Neither of the proposals interest me
Ø  Everybody here knows the importance of English
Ø  Another has taken your place on the team
Ø  Nobody works harder than Ali does
9.      Apabila pronoun berikut ini menjadi subjek, maka verb-nya harus selalu dalam bentuk plural

Both                few                  many
Others             several

Ø  Several were present at the meeting but few spoke
Ø  Many people write a good novel
Ø  Other have tried this lock but no one has succeeded
Ø  Many are called but few are chosen
10.     Apabila quantity noun menunjukkan jumlah, waktu, uang, ukuran, dan jarak, maka verbnya selalu singular
Ø  Three years is a long time for me to wait (menunjukkan waktu)
Ø  Two hundred kilometers is too tired for him drive alone (jarak)
Ø  Three days is nt enough to complete the project (waktu)
Ø  Three glasses of milk is good for us (kuantitas)

These last three weeks have been full of surprise (plural verb)
Ø  There are fifty-one bills in this envelope (plural)
Ø  Ninety people are registered for this course (plural karena mencakup seluruh anggota)
11.     Apabila indefinite pronoun berikut ini menjadi subjek, maka verbnya dapat dalam bentuk singular atau plural, tergantung dari noun yang terletak sesudah of

All                   none                enough                        most    a lot
Any                 some                more                part

Ø    Parts of the books are interesting
Ø    All of the women have brouhgt gifts
Ø    All of the gasoline has been sold
Ø    Parts of the book was interesting
Ø    Most of the money was saved

a.         None /No yang diikuti nomina singular, maka verbnya singular dan sebaliknya
1.      None + of + Uncountable noun (UC) + singular verb
Ø  None of the counterfeit money has been found
Ø  None of the furnituregets wet
2.      None + of + plural countable noun + plural verb
Ø  None of students have finished the exam yet
Ø  None of the early apples are so good as to smeil
b.         “No” dapat diikuti singular atau plural verb, tergantung pada noun yang mengikutinya
                   1.  No + plural noun + singular verb
Ø  No examples are difficult for you
Ø  No problem is harder to solve than this one
                   2.  No + plural noun + plural verb
Ø  No examples are difficult for you
Ø  No teachers go on strike
12.  Perbedaan the number dan a number
·       The number diartikan jumlah yang bisa diikuti nomina jamak atau tunggal. Bentuk verbanya selalu tunggal.
·       A number yang berarti beberapa (=several) yang hanya bisa diikuti nomina jamak, maka verbanya harus berbentuk jamak juga. Contoh:
Ø  The number of people in the room is ninety-two
Ø  The number of days in a week is seven
Ø  A number of people have enrolled this course
Ø  A large number of applicants are alredy here
     13.  Apakah kata-kata berikut ini menjadi subjek, maka verbnya selalu tunggal
            Clotching        =          pakaian            knowledge      =          pengetahuan
            Economics       =          ilmu ekonomi  traffic              =          rambu lalu lintas
            Equipment       =          alat-alat           ethics               =          etika (ilmu)
            Scenery           =          pemandangan  civics               =          ilmu kewarganegaraan
            Mump              =          penyakit          athletics           =          ilmu atletik
            News               =          berita               USA                =          Amerika
            Philippines       =          negara              furniture          =          perabot
            Behavior          =          perilaku etc

Ø  The news is important for everyone
Ø  Economics was widely used
Ø  Knowledge is power
Ø  Statistics was my favorite subject in college
     14.  Apabila nomina berikut ini menjadi subjek, maka verbanya selalu berbentuk plural atau jamak:

            a.         belongings       proceeds          tactics
                        clothes             remains            thanks
                        goods               riches               wages

            b.         pants                scissors            trousers
                                    pliers                suds                 tongs
                        shorts               jeans                glasses

Ø  These scissors cut through heavy cardboard
Ø  Ita’s clothes are always put in the wardrobe
Ø  My new pliers grip family
Ø  The tactics she employed were highly effective

Apabila kita ingin menyatakan dalam singular, maka kita harus menggunakan : “pair of …”(sepasang) untuk kata-kata pada bagian di bawah ini
Ø  The pants are in the drawer
       A pair of pants is in the drawer
Ø  The pliers were on the table
       The pair of pliers was on the table
Ø  The scissors are dull
       This pair of scissors is dull
     15.  Beberapa noun berikut ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan group / kelompok hewan            tetapi yang dimaksudkan ialah kesamaan dalam jenisnya, sehingga dianggap singular           maka verbanya selalu singular

            Flock of birds, sheep               school of fish
            Herd of cattle                          pack of dogs
            Pride of lions                           troop of lions etc

            Untuk mengetahui hal ini pelajarilah (collective noun)
Ø  The herd of cattle is breaking away
Ø  The school of fish is being attacked by sharks
Ø  The flock of birds is circling overhead
     16.  Apabila every dan each digunakan sebelum subjek, maka verbanya selalu singular
Ø  Every boy and girl on the team is a top student
Ø  Every man, boy and child needs to help one another
Ø  Each window and door was looked securely
     17.  Apabila sebuah kalimat dimulai dengan gerund (verb + ing) maka verbanya selalu singular

            Subject (gerund)        +          Singular verb
Ø  Studying is a key to promote our life quality
Ø  Writing as many sentences as possible makes me good as translatting English language
Ø  Being cordial is one of his great assets
     18.  Here dan There bukan subjek. Subjek kalimat yang diawali dengan here dan there yang terletak sesudah verba, maka verbanya harus menyesuaikan dengan subjek yang ada

            Here is             +          Singular Subject

Ø  Here is your book
Ø  Here comes the general with his staff

Here are         +          plural subject

Ø  Here are your books
Ø  Here come Umar and Fatimah

There is/was                           Singular subject
            There has been                      (uncountable noun)
            (singular verb)

Ø  There is cow on the tree limb
Ø  There was an accident last night
Ø  There was water on the floor where he fell
Ø  There has been an in crease in the import of foreign cars
Ø  There goes the boy to the beach

There are/were          +          plural subject

Ø  There are soldier in the battle field
Ø  There were too many peopole at the party
Ø  There have been a number of telephone call today
Ø  There go the boy and his mother to the party
“There is one bathrooman one dining room in my house”
            Kalimat di atas sering dipakai dalam informal English.
     19.  Kata benda berikut ini (berasal dari bahasa latin) adalah dalam bentuk plural, maka verbanya selalu plural

            Alumni            larvae               radii                 criteria
            Alumnae          minutiae          stimuli             data
            Agenda            phenomena      synopses          vertebrae

Ø  Your crieria are valid for judging these data
Ø  The alumni of MMI come to the meeting
     20.  Bila suatu bilangan pecahan atau persentase digunakan sebagai subjek, maka verbanya dapat berbentuk singular atau plural, tergantung pada kata benda yang terletak sesudah of

Ø  Two fifths of our profits go to reinvestment
       (profits = plural)
Ø  Three fourth of the house is now ready
       (house is singular)
Ø  Fifthy percent of his crop is soy beans
       (crop is singular)
Ø  Twenty-five percent of the students work after school
       (students = plural)
21.  Bila subjeknya berupa judul buku, artikel, film, drama dan lain-lain, dan nama perusahaan, negara serta organisasi, maka predikatnya (verbanya) selalu singular meskipun kelihatannya subjek itu plural
Ø  The immigrants is a fine bargman film
Ø  Passages, by gail sheeky, won the best seller list for months
Ø  The Netherlands is located in western Europe
Ø  General Motor Company has declared a deviden
Ø  The girl scouts has its head quarters near my office
     22.  Bila subjek berupa Prepositional Phase, maka predikat menyesuaikan dengan kata yang terletak sebelum of
Ø  The study of languages is very ineresting
Ø  Several theories on this subject have been proposed
Ø  The view of these problems varies from time to time
Ø  The danger of forest fires is not to be taken lightly
Ø  The effect of those crimes was likely to be devastating
Ø  The price of staples rises everyday
     23.  Bila subjek berupa kata-kata berikut ini, maka predikat (verb) nya selalu dalam bentuk plural. Kata-kata yang paling umum antara lain:
Ø  The unemployed are losing hope
Ø  The poor are tyring to find the aid
Ø  The rich have collected money for the blind
Referensi :
Complete English Grammar
Penulis, Suryadi Junaidi S.Pd.
Cetakan III (edisi revisi), Desember 2008
Penerbit, Pustaka Pelajar

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